C++ constants
In C++, constants are values that do not change during the execution of a program. There are several ways to define constants in C++:
Using const keyword: You can use the const keyword to define a constant. The syntax is:
c++ code
const <data_type> <constant_name> = <value>;
const int PI = 3.14159; const string GREETING = "Hello, world!";
Using #define preprocessor directive: You can use the #define preprocessor directive to define a constant. The syntax is
#define <constant_name> <value>
#define PI 3.14159 #define GREETING "Hello, world!"
Using enum keyword: You can use the enum keyword to define a set of named constants. The syntax is:
enum <enum_name> { <constant1_name> = <value1>, <constant2_name> = <value2>, ... };
enum Color { RED = 0xFF0000, GREEN = 0x00FF00, BLUE = 0x0000FF };
In general, it is recommended to use the const keyword to define constants in C++.
This is because const provides type safety and allows the compiler to perform optimizations that are not possible with #define or enum.